ADVOCARD is the legal protection insurer of Generali in Germany. We want to be a lifetime partner for our customers. It is our task to offer our customers the best solution in the selection of the required legal service for their concern. As smart, uncomplicated and cost-effective as possible. We therefore support the goals of the Legal Tech Association to promote the development of a modern legal market, fast and uncomplicated access to the law, and contemporary business and payment models.
Wolfgang Peters
Bereichsleiter ADVOCARD Rechtsschutzversicherung AG

For me and NetzBeweis it was important not only to work in the Austrian bubble, but also to make contacts and exchange experiences across borders. My expectations were exceeded at LTV - I found inspiration and friends!
Katharina Bisset
Rechtsanwältin & CEO NetzBeweis & Nerds of Law

Lawyers with digital business models will be among the winners of the structural change in the services market. We are involved with the Legal Tech Association to help accelerate this transformation. We are really looking forward to working with the innovative people in this forward-looking industry association.
Dominik Bach-Michaelis
Gründer, Vorstand von e.Consult

Our claim is that access to justice should not be a question of cost. The use of legal tech and intelligent process optimization in law firms has enormous potential to compensate for the financial inequality on the side of the client. Professional law restrictions, which are characterized by a rather conservative professional image, prevent these potentials from being exploited. We are very pleased to work together with the Legal Tech Association Germany towards a sustainable framework and a contemporary professional image.
Mariam El-Ahmad
Rechtsanwältin & Co-founder Rotwang Law

We are a member of the Legal Tech Association because we firmly believe that Germany and Europe can be at the forefront of legal tech disruption. This is exactly where the Legal Tech Verband comes in and ensures that the industry is heard even more. We are very pleased to be working on this together!
Dr. Benedikt Quarch
Gründer von Rightnow

Lawyers are working at their maximum capacity. Regulatory complexity is constantly increasing. Only legal tech applications can help here.
It is therefore time to give the entire legal value chain, starting with education, a general overhaul and integrate tech into studies from the outset.
Dr. Susann Funke
CEO & Co-founder LEX AI