913.ai UG

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ABC AnwaltsBeratung Cosack

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Acadias GmbH

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AdvoAutomobil Lichters Rechtsanwälte

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ADVOCARD Rechtsschutzversicherung AG

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Advoria GmbH

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ADVOSERVICE Gesellschaft für juristische EDV-Systeme mbH

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aHa Strategische Geschäftsentwicklung

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AI Club GmbH

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Allianz Rechtsschutz-Service GmbH

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anwalt.de services AG

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AUXILIA Rechtschutz-Versicherungs-AG

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Balluff GmbH

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Bauer Media Group - Heinrich Bauer Verlag KG

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be next GmbH

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boutiq ai GmbH

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Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände e.V.

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Captain Frank GmbH

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CDC Cartel Damage Claims SRL

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CEV Handelsimmobilien GmbH

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CIS Consulting & Implementation Services GmbH

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CLAYM+ Schadenmanagement GmbH & Co. KG

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CLLB Rechtsanwälte Cocron, Liebl, Leitz, Braun, Kainz, Sittner Partnerschaft mbB

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consalio GmbH

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Cornelius Bartenbach Haesemann & Partner Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB

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Corominas Consulting GmbH

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DAHAG Rechtsservices AG

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Deminor Recovery Services SA

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Docue Technologies Germany GmbH

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dokSAFE GmbH

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Dr. Gernot Halbleib Legal Tech Beratung

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Dreyfield & Partner Deutschland GmbH

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eConsult AG

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Epiq Systems, Inc.

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Erbis Inc.

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fairesLeben ABC GmbH

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fairforce.one Rechtsdienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH

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fastlaw.online GmbH

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Fides Technology GmbH

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Fieldfisher Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB

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financialright GmbH

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FINE Legal GmbH

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Flightright GmbH

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Frommer Rechtsanwalts PartG mbB

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Frontwing Litigation PartG mbB

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Fundsback GmbH

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fynk GmbH

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Gansel Rechtsanwälte Rechtsanwalts-AG

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Goyaa GmbH

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Hans Soldan GmbH

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HB Capital GmbH

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helpcheck GmbH

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hlm Unternehmensberatung GmbH

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Hopkins Rechtsanwälte mbH

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Hugo Boss AG

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HUK-COBURG-Allgemeine Versicherung AG

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iur.crowd UG

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IWW Institut für Wissen in der Wirtschaft GmbH

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Join GmbH

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JUPUS (Iurtech UG)

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Jurpartner Services GmbH

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Justin LegalTech GmbH

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Kanzlei Dr. Susann Bräcklein

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Kanzlei Obergfell Rechtsanwälte

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KARIMI.legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft

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Kertos GmbH

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Koez & Koez GmbH

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König & Partner Rechtsanwälte

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Lawtechgroup GmbH

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Legal-Navi / Le-Na GmbH

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Legalhero GmbH

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Legalian GmbH

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LegalNow GmbH // LegalNow Software GmbH

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LegalTegrity GmbH

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legalwise GmbH

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Lexemo GmbH

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LexMea GmbH

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Libra Technology GmbH

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LIQUIDA Inkasso GmbH

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Lirex GmbH

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Litigation & Financing Capital GmbH

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MANZ'sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung GmbH

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Markus Hartung Rechtsanwalt, Mediator - The Law Firm Companion

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Mazars Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

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Neo.Law Technology GmbH

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NetzBeweis GmbH

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NLTS Global Analytics s.r.o.

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NodeMasters GmbH

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Nominandum GmbH

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notara UG

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noventive Managementgesellschaft mbH

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Onlylaw Germany GmbH

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Openlaw UG

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PAIR Finance GmbH

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Pietschmann Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

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PLANIT // LEGAL Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

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Privory GmbH

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PROJEKTKANZLEI | Rechtsanwalt Sebastian Lange

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Protabo GmbH

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PRW Legal Tech GmbH

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RA-MICRO Software AG

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ra.de Online Verlags GmbH & Co. KG

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Raue PartmbB

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Rechtsanwalt Conrad Bauer - Der Projektjurist

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Rechtsanwalt Faris Hussain - MILES-LAW.de

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Rechtsanwalt Rolf Siburg

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Regpit GmbH

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rightflow GmbH

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rightmart Rechtsanwalts GmbH

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RightNow GmbH

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Rotwang Law Senf & Partner mbB

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RSM Ebner Stolz Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB

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RT & Partner Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

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Sacred Byte GmbH

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secjur GmbH

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Seinfeld Professionals Infrastruktur GmbH & Co KG

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Simmons & Simmons LLP

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simply legal GmbH

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Simplyright GmbH

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SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Partnerschaft mbB

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Speech Processing Solutions GmbH

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STP Informationstechnologie GmbH

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Succesphire GmbH

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Tact Legal

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TalentRocket GmbH

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TiLD Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

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Travelperk S.L.U.

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Veneko GmbH

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Verlag C.H.Beck oHG

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Vertec GmbH

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VGH Rechtsschutz Schaden-Service-GmbH

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VIER iusta GmbH

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Volders GmbH

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Watson Farley & Williams LLP

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Website-Check GmbH

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WEST Legal Tech GmbH & Co. KG

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Westernacher Solutions GmbH

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WGV Rechtsschutz-Schadensservice GmbH

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WhatsLegal GmbH

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Wolters Kluwer Legal Software Deutschland GmbH

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Yester & Morrow Rechtsanwaltschafts GmbH

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youleegal GmbH

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zerio° GmbH

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ADVOCARD is the legal protection insurer of Generali in Germany. We want to be a lifetime partner for our customers. It is our task to offer our customers the best solution in the selection of the required legal service for their concern. As smart, uncomplicated and cost-effective as possible. We therefore support the goals of the Legal Tech Association to promote the development of a modern legal market, fast and uncomplicated access to the law, and contemporary business and payment models.
Wolfgang Peters
Bereichsleiter ADVOCARD Rechtsschutzversicherung AG
For me and NetzBeweis it was important not only to work in the Austrian bubble, but also to make contacts and exchange experiences across borders. My expectations were exceeded at LTV - I found inspiration and friends!
Katharina Bisset
Rechtsanwältin & CEO NetzBeweis & Nerds of Law
Lawyers with digital business models will be among the winners of the structural change in the services market. We are involved with the Legal Tech Association to help accelerate this transformation. We are really looking forward to working with the innovative people in this forward-looking industry association.
Dominik Bach-Michaelis
Gründer, Vorstand von e.Consult
Our claim is that access to justice should not be a question of cost. The use of legal tech and intelligent process optimization in law firms has enormous potential to compensate for the financial inequality on the side of the client. Professional law restrictions, which are characterized by a rather conservative professional image, prevent these potentials from being exploited. We are very pleased to work together with the Legal Tech Association Germany towards a sustainable framework and a contemporary professional image.
Mariam El-Ahmad
Rechtsanwältin & Co-founder Rotwang Law
We are a member of the Legal Tech Association because we firmly believe that Germany and Europe can be at the forefront of legal tech disruption. This is exactly where the Legal Tech Verband comes in and ensures that the industry is heard even more. We are very pleased to be working on this together!
Dr. Benedikt Quarch
Gründer von Rightnow
Lawyers are working at their maximum capacity. Regulatory complexity is constantly increasing. Only legal tech applications can help here. It is therefore time to give the entire legal value chain, starting with education, a general overhaul and integrate tech into studies from the outset.
Dr. Susann Funke
CEO & Co-founder LEX AI